This is me... Brandi. I'm an Elementary Education major turned FIRST Robotics Coach, turned Daycare Teacher, turned Tech Support Director, turned Stay-at-home Mom. My life is an adventure every day, and I always have a To-Do list that's a mile long.
Having the privilege of my being a stay-at-home Mom has been a wonderful experience for me, my husband Clinton, and our son Lucas. I've been through ups and downs along the way, and have learned so much during my journey. It's my aim to share as much of this information and experiences with anyone who wants it.
While I love receiving advice, I absolutely hate being told what to do. My intention is not to command that my way is the only way, but more so to present both new and veteran moms and dads with some helpful tips that I've picked up along the way. Feel free to take or leave my advice, but please remember that each child is unique and different, and that not all methods will prove to be applicable or appropriate for your family's lifestyle.
I appreciate feedback, and would love to get to know the people who are reading my site, so please take some time to leave some complements or criticism below. Thanks, and enjoy!